Difference for Secondary Schools

In a conflicted and divided world, Difference is a free, six-session resource that equips students with skills to cross divides, navigate disagreement and build welcoming school communities.

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The Sessions

The sessions are designed for both large and small student groups and can be tailored to different contexts. Difference for Secondary Schools has six sessions:
  • Conflict is part of home, community and school life, and it can be hard to navigate. We might fear to say the wrong thing or not know how to handle difference. This session introduces you to the three formational habits central to Difference - Be Curious, Be Present and Reimagine. These help us respond well to situations and build relationship with people, even when this feels difficult. 
    This session includes
    • A look at where we see division and broken relationships in the world today.
    • An introduction to the three habits that help us build good relationships with others and respond to difficult situations.
    • Building a healthy group culture for the sessions.
  • It is easy to distrust and feel wary of those who are different from us. We can get drawn to people who agree with our perspectives and avoid or shut out those who make us uncomfortable. This can create dividing walls between us.
    This session includes
    • Film on the theme of crossing divides.
    • Discovering, and challenging, the assumptions or prejudices we have about other people.
    • Practicing being curious by asking questions and taking an interest in others.
  • We all want to be heard, respected and not judged. Doing this for people we disagree with helps us to strengthen our relationship with them.
    This session includes
    • Film on the theme of navigating disagreement.
    • Exploring how to disagree well in a culture where this is hard to do.
    • Discovering how to listen well and find our own voice. 
    • Practising being present by developing empathy for those we disagree with and building confidence to share our own perspective.
  • Justice is an important part of building a world where everyone can flourish. While we might not cause the injustice, we have the power to respond in ways that reinforce or challenge those injustices.
    This session includes
    • Film about the themes of pursing justice.
    • Recognising the existence of injustice.
    • Exploring how to respond to situations of injustice.
    • Practising reimagining by discovering the power of coming together to pursue a just and flourishing world.
  • Forgiveness is not the easy option, but an important part of everyday relationships. It can help us to address the hurt from the past, enabling us to move towards the future we want for the relationship.
    This session includes
    • Film on the theme of forgiveness.
    • Exploring forgiveness – what it is and what it is not.
    • Recognising the complexity of forgiveness.
    • Practising reimagining by seeing how our relationships can be transformed by forgiveness.
  • We are all different, unique and of deep value. We flourish when we value our interconnectedness alongside the unique worth that each of us has.
    This session includes
    • Film on the theme of belonging together.
    • Recognising the value of each one of us and the unique contribution we have to make.
    • Exploring how we’re connected to each other.
    • Practising reimaging by celebrating the ways our unique and differences can enrich one another.

The sessions include

Reflection time
Interactive exercises
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Video: Find out more about Difference for Secondary Schools

Equipping you to run the course

Running Difference with young people in secondary schools requires additional training. Once completed, you will be given access to the materials in the resources hub on our website.

Training is completely free and will be held virtually on Zoom. Sign up below for one of our training sessions.

Register for training


Difference offers three formational habits that can transform everyday relationships. These habits draw on the wisdom of expert peacemakers and Jesus’ encounters in the Gospels.

Be Curious - Wonder Why

Listen to others’ stories and see the world through their eyes. (Genesis 1:26-27)

In Genesis 1 we read that every person is made in the image of God, with value and a unique story of deep worth. When we are curious enough to seek out that story, we affirm that person’s innate value.

Be Present - Be Real

Encounter others with authenticity and confidence. (Matthew 25:31-46)

Being present in encounters means showing up and sticking around – making time for the other, dedicating our attention to them and encountering them as they are.

Reimagine - Hope Together

Finding hope and opportunity in the places where we long to see change. (2 Corinthians 5:16:21)

Our worlds are shaped by our imagination. The habit of reimagining encourages us to be renewed by the Holy Spirit and for God to stretch our understanding of what is possible.

Course resources

There are six sessions in the course and all of the course resources are free to download once you’ve been trained.

You can read more about Difference for Secondary Schools by downloading this overview.

Sign up to recieve updates about Difference, inspiration, and information about training.

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I saw a greater awareness of the brokenness and a realisation that there are pathways back with hope.
Course Host, Grenada
It has been phenomenal, literally transformative in men’s hearts and lives.
Prison Chaplain, UK
Difference ticks so many boxes of what we’re looking for in this time.
Church Leader, Hong Kong

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