Difference for young people

We live in world which is messy, hurting and divided.

For young people growing up and working out who they are, it can be hard to know how to handle conflict, differences, fear of saying the wrong thing, and the ups and downs of friendships. 

Difference is a free, multi-session course that equips young people with skills to cross divides, navigate disagreement practise forgiveness and build welcoming communities. In 2024, we launched resources for secondary schools and church youth groups to use. These have been developed in collaboration with youth work experts and educators, and piloted with youth groups and schools across different communities and church denominations.

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Equipping young people to navigate the complexities of life

The resources for Difference for Secondary Schools and Difference for Youth Groups are now available. 

In autumn 2023, 30 secondary schools and church youth groups piloted and contributed to the design and content of the resources. We are developing Difference for Primary Schools to be launched in early 2025.

Through Difference, young people will develop formational habits to encounter others well and navigate difficult situations. These habits are based rooted in the life of Christ and distilled by the wisdom of expert peacemakers. They are: Be Curious, Be Present, and Reimagine. Over a series of sessions, young people will explore the important life skills of learning how to listen to each other, disagree well and work together creatively to find solutions. It will help them to become more confident and better equipped to navigate the complexities of  life.  

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